Friday, May 30, 2014

Is It Your Fault That Men Cheat On You?........... Maybe.

A recent research has shown that arranged marriages last longer than incidental marriages because the young ones cannot recognize what they want/need when they see it..

If your man is a philanderer, it's probably not your fault. But if you've gotten hurt by a player more than once-or you know someone who has-you'll want to check out what top relationship experts say could be part of the reason.
1. You were "cheated on" by your father.
If your dad abandoned the family, was abusive, or didn't pay much attention to you, it often triggers a cycle, notes Jeanette Raymond, PhD., a licensed psychologist in Los Angeles, CA. "You expect the same from every man." Dr. Raymond recalls one couple who was happy until he socializing more with his co-workers. She grew very possessive, and started checking his phone. Even when he was out with his brother, she assumed he was cheating. "She felt as if he didn't care about her, just like her father," says Dr. Raymond. Her partner eventually did cheat on her, he admitted, to make her back off. Women stuck in this cycle need to mourn the loss of what didn't happen as a child and let it go. "Try looking at the facts, not just your feelings," suggests Dr. Raymond."

2. You mistake attraction for love.
Attraction just happens. Love is something that builds over time and takes work. Sure, attraction can lead to love. But not always. "Female-to-male attraction works the same whether you're 16, 36 or 56," says Scot Conway, PhD, relationship coach and author of Emotional Genius. "A top attractive quality in a man is when he doesn't need your approval." Men who don't need a commitment tend to have extreme self-confidence. "If you understand that attraction is one thing and love is something else, and the first doesn't always lead to the second, you have a massive advantage," says Dr. Conway.
3. You're attracted to the "wrong" guys.
Women who get burned again and again are overlooking the good guys. "The classic friend zone is where many of the best partners end up," explains Dr. Conway. Why? Nice men can try too hard to impress you, which can be a turn-off. Sometimes what women want "is a bad guy they can change," explains Dr. Raymond. So have a two-date rule: Give a guy a fair shake before you dismiss him. How do you know you've found a man who could really be there for you? "You can tell him anything without feeling embarrassed or that you'll scare him off," shares Dr. Raymond. "And he accepts you the way you are."

4. You're not really into sex anymore.

No getting around it: sex is really important to men. If you're just "going through the motions" and having sex you're not enjoying, he might feel rejected and consider cheating. "Think of outings when he clearly doesn't want to be there. After a while, you'd just as soon not go out. It's the same with sex," explains Dr. Conway. Try talking to him and telling him what you like and what feels good. "If you are not there to fulfill the needs of your partner, those needs don't just go away. If it is something you don't want someone else there for, you be there."
5. You're your worst critic.
If you're insecure about your body and often complain about it, he will start to see you through your eyes. Many of us do this more than we realize. "Do these jeans make me look fat? Do you think I'm gaining weight? I hate my cellulite. My boobs are getting droopy…You've got to stop!" says Laurel House, relationship expert and founder of "Let your guy view you as the gorgeous gem that you are. Act confidently. Embrace your body regardless of its shape and age."

6. You give up your independence.
"Some women give themselves so completely to the relationship that their partners feel uncomfortable and 'bought'," observes Dr. Raymond. And the irony is that in trying so hard to bolster the relationship, you become less like the woman he was originally attracted to. If you lose yourself in a man-canceling plans to be with him, only listening to the music he likes, posting only pictures of the two of you on Facebook-the man can feel trapped. And when one feels trapped, the instinct is to get free. "And they do that by cheating, because it's an easy way out," explains Dr. Raymond.

7. You believe sweet talkers are sweet guys.
Women who don't trust their gut when there are warning signs, are more apt to be cheated on. "I have a patient who is involved with a total jerk. But he wrote her a long letter, which she looked at as 'his putting into words what he couldn't say in person,'" says Jane Greer, PhD, New York-based relationship expert and author of How Could You Do This to Me? Learning to Trust After Betrayal. Women who are easy marks for cheaters tend to be moved by showy displays of affection. The guys quickly figure out that "those will suffice to keep them connected and take her attention away from what's actually going on," notes Dr. Greer. "Rather than taking him at his word, go by his behavior, because often that's the real him," she suggests.
8. You're a Workaholic
If you're working extremely long hours, or are unavailable, he'll feel neglected, says Dr. Greer. If the circumstances can't be avoided, compensate during your downtime. Even if you only have one day a week free, use that day to prioritize your relationship. Make every Saturday night, say, a non-negotiable date to snuggle on the couch with a movie. Talking openly and frequently about when you might need to be unavailable and how long you expect it to go on is essential. If you don't, over time, he may act on the "abandonment" by cheating.
9. You don't take pride in your appearance. We know what you're thinking: Like he's Jared Leto? But hear us out. Not taking care of yourself at all sends your man a message: Leave me alone, says Carole Lieberman, MD, author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets. Guys can translate your lack of interest in feeling and looking your best as lack of interest in them, a blow to their self-esteem. That same "you're not worth it" message can be sent when boundaries disappear too. "Women who get cheated often started using the toilet, farting, and waxing their upper lip in front of him," adds House.

10. You put the kids first. Always.
If you never give your husband first dibs on your time, he's going to wish he was with somebody who thought he was important. By first dibs, we mean, sticking to date night plans even though your daughter was just invited to a sleep-over, needs a ride and is having an "all my pajamas are ugly!" meltdown. "An assumption among women who are cheated on is that their relationship can wait until the kids are older and things 'get easier,'" notes Antoniette Coleman, Psychotherapist/Relationship Coach in McLean, VA. It can't. "Break this cycle by learning to be 'a good enough mom,'" urges Coleman. "Send store-bought cupcakes to the bake sale, volunteer at school once a month instead of once a week, let the kids have downtime instead of scheduling every moment of their day. You'll free up energy for yourself and your spouse."
By Christina Vercelletto

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is Tooth Ache or Dental Carrie Reversible? Yes Yes Yes, Never lose A Tooth Again

If you have dental caries or you have removed one or two teeth, there must be something you are doing wrong. if you care enough to follow some instructions, you may never lose a tooth again; Brush thoroughly at Night and drink tap water( If it is not too salty like in some places where desalination is a major source of water supply)

The Tooth Decay Process: How to Reverse It and Avoid a Cavity

Information for Parents of School-Age Children
You probably know that a dental cavity is a hole in a tooth. But did you know that a cavity is the result of the tooth decay process that happens over time? Did you know that you can interrupt and even reverse this process to avoid a cavity?
This web page explains how the tooth decay process starts and how it can be stopped or even reversed to keep your child from getting cavities.

What's inside our mouths?

Illustration: Bacteria
Our mouths are full of bacteria. Hundreds of different types live on our teeth, gums, tongue and other places in our mouths. Some bacteria are helpful. But some can be harmful such as those that play a role in the tooth decay process.
Tooth decay is the result of an infection with certain types of bacteria that use sugars in food to make acids. Over time, these acids can make a cavity in the tooth.

What goes on inside our mouths all day?

Throughout the day, a tug of war takes place inside our mouths.
Illustration: Tug of War Between Bacteria and Sugars Versus Saliva and Fluoride
On one team are dental plaque—a sticky, colorless film of bacteria—plus foods and drinks that contain sugar or starch (such as milk, bread, cookies, candy, soda, juice, and many others). Whenever we eat or drink something that contains sugar or starch, the bacteria use them to produce acids. These acids begin to eat away at the tooth's hard outer surface, or enamel.
Illustration: ACID vs. ACID ATTACK
On the other team are the minerals in our saliva (such as calcium and phosphate) plus fluoride from toothpaste, water, and other sources. This team helps enamel repair itself by replacing minerals lost during an "acid attack."
Our teeth go through this natural process of losing minerals and regaining minerals all day long.

How does a cavity develop?

When a tooth is exposed to acid frequently -- for example, if you eat or drink often, especially foods or drinks containing sugar and starches -- the repeated cycles of acid attacks cause the enamel to continue to lose minerals. A white spot may appear where minerals have been lost. This is a sign of early decay.

Tooth decay can be stopped or reversed at this point. Enamel can repair itself by using minerals from saliva, and fluoride from toothpaste or other sources.
But if the tooth decay process continues, more minerals are lost. Over time, the enamel is weakened and destroyed, forming a cavity. A cavity is permanent damage that a dentist has to repair with a filling.

How can we help teeth win the tug of war and avoid a cavity?

Use fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral that can prevent tooth decay from progressing. It can even reverse, or stop, early tooth decay.
Fluoride works to protect teeth. It . . .
  • prevents mineral loss in tooth enamel and replaces lost minerals
  • reduces the ability of bacteria to make acid
You can get fluoride by:

  • If your dentist thinks you need more fluoride to keep your teeth healthy, he or she may—
    Drinking fluoridated water from a community water supply; about 74 percent of Americans served by a community water supply system receive fluoridated water. (If you have well water, see "Private Well Water and Fluoride" from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)
  • Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Apply a fluoride gel or varnish to tooth surfaces
  • Prescribe fluoride tablets
  • Recommend using a fluoride mouth rinse
About Bottled Water – Most bottled water does not contain enough fluoride to prevent tooth decay. If your child drinks only bottled water, talk with a dentist or doctor about whether your child needs additional fluoride in the form of a tablet, varnish, or gel.
Keep an eye on how often your child eats, as well as what she eats.
Your child's diet is important in preventing a cavity. Remember . . . every time we eat or drink something that contains sugar or starches, bacteria in our mouth use the sugar and starch to produce acids. These acids begin to eat away at the tooth's enamel.
Our saliva can help fight off this acid attack. But if we eat frequently throughout the day -- especially foods and drinks containing sugar and starches -- the repeated acid attacks will win the tug of war, causing the tooth to lose minerals and eventually develop a cavity.
That's why it's important to keep an eye on how often your children eat as well aswhat they eat.
Tooth-friendly tips:
  • Limit between-meal snacks. This reduces the number of acid attacks on teeth and gives teeth a chance to repair themselves.
  • Save candy, cookies, soda, and other sugary drinks for special occasions
  • Limit fruit juice. Follow the Daily Juice Recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
  • Make sure your child doesn't eat or drink anything with sugar in it after bedtime tooth brushing. Saliva flow decreases during sleep. Without enough saliva, teeth are less able to repair themselves after an acid attack.

Make sure your child brushes

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste is important for preventing cavities.
Here's what you should know about brushing:
  1. Have your child brush two times per day
  2. Supervise young children when they brush –
    • For children aged 2 to 6, you put the toothpaste on the brush. Use only a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.
      Illustration: Toothbrush with Toothpaste
    • Encourage your child to spit out the toothpaste rather than swallow it. Children under 6 tend to swallow much of the toothpaste on their brush. If children regularly consume higher-than-recommended amounts of fluoride during the teeth-forming years (age 8 and younger), their permanent teeth may develop white lines or flecks called dental fluorosis. Fluorosis is usually mild; in many cases, only a dental professional would notice it. (In children under age 2, dental experts recommend that you do not use fluoride toothpaste unless directed by a doctor or dentist.)
    • Until they are 7 or 8 years old, you will need to help your child brush. Young children cannot get their teeth clean by themselves. Try brushing your child's teeth first, then let her finish.

Talk to a dentist about sealants

Dental sealants are another good way to help avoid a cavity. Sealants are thin, plastic coatings painted onto the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, or molars. Here's why sealants are helpful: The chewing surfaces of back teeth are rough and uneven because they have small pits and grooves. Food and bacteria can get stuck in the pits and grooves and stay there a long time because toothbrush bristles can't easily brush them away. Sealants cover these surfaces and form a barrier that protects teeth and prevents food and bacteria from getting trapped there.
Since most cavities in children and adolescents develop in the molars (the back teeth), it's best to get these teeth sealed as soon as they come in:
  • The first permanent molars — called "6 year molars" — come in between the ages of 5 and 7.
  • The second permanent molars — "12 year molars" — come in when a child is between 11 and 14 years old.

Take your child to the dentist for regular check-ups

Visit a dentist regularly for cleanings and an examination. During the visit the dentist or hygienist will:
  • Remove dental plaque
  • Check for any areas of early tooth decay
  • Show you and your child how to thoroughly clean the teeth
  • Apply a fluoride gel or varnish, if necessary
  • Schedule your next regular check-up

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Good sleep ... oh good sleep. There is no substitute for good sleep.
Your alarm is set for 6 a.m., but every morning you hear it blaring and hit snooze. Nine minutes later, you hit snooze again, and again, until your back-up alarm goes off and you get out of bed a bit after 6:40, groggy and pretty sure that planned workout isn't going to happen before you need to leave the house by 7:15.
Is there any way to break this cycle?
Sure, says Patty Tucker, a Northern California-based sleep consultant. The key is to realize that if you really can't pull yourself out of bed at the time you intend to get up, you're probably not getting enough sleep. So you sleep in -- but not in a way that's helpful (snooze button sleep is pretty much useless). If you want to get up at a certain time, then getting adequate sleep means you need to stretch your sleep back earlier in the night. That means going to bed on time. And that means setting a bedtime alarm.
A bedtime alarm? "I get this shocked look," says Tucker, whenever she suggests it. She says that "it's so simple, and I think we have a tendency to ignore the simplest things or discount them if we think of them." But she notes that "simplest things are the most powerful."
  • Set an alarm for 30 minutes before you need to be asleep, and when it goes off, you have to make a conscious decision. "We get so caught up in what we're doing, even if what we're doing is watching the Kardashians," says Tucker. "It takes something to actually pull you out of that reverie." An alarm will do that, and force you to decide if you're giving up on your morning plans in advance or not.
An alarm also has the benefit of telling whoever you're with that you intend to wind down, too. Often, couples get into a cycle where both parties are tired, but neither wants to be the one to turn off the TV. An alarm can bring a neutral outside perspective to this dilemma. The alarm isn't judging. It's just telling you that it's 10:00, and if you plan to be asleep at 10:30 in order to get 7.5 hours of sleep before 6 a.m., then now is the time to start the bedtime process. More often than not, says Tucker, "it works."

Monday, May 19, 2014

Eat only Two meals a day to fight Diabetes Mellitus. A recent research finding shows.

Eating Two Meals a Day Helps Manage Type 2 Diabetes: Study

  • Diabetesicon
  • icon
A latest research on diabetes shows that eating just breakfast and lunch effectively manages type 2 diabetes. (Photo : Reuters)
A latest research on diabetes showed that eating just the breakfast and lunch effectively manages type 2 diabetes.
Czech Republic researchers studied 54 patients with Type 2 diabetes for 24 weeks. The participants were divided into two groups. They were asked to follow a diet that lowered their energy intake by 500 calories per day and contained 50 to 55 percent carbohydrates, 20 to 25 percent protein and less than 30 percent fat, reports CNN.
The participants were asked not to modify their working out habits during the study time frame.
The study findings showed that the participants in both the groups reduced weight and decreased the amount of fat in their livers. But the researchers noted that the group that ate just two larger meals lost more during each 12-week session. The team explained that eating fewer, bigger meals resulted in reducing increasing blood sugar levels. This means that the body's insulin production was working more efficiently.
Researchers clarified that the timings of meals did not affect the functioning of beta cells that produce insulin or on the glucose metabolic clearance rate.
The results "pleased" the researchers. "The patients were really afraid they would get hungry in the evening but feelings of hunger were lower as the patients ate until they were satisfied." lead researcher Dr Hana Kahleova, at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, said, reports BBC.
"But when they ate six times a day the meals were not leaving them feeling satisfied. It was quite surprising."
However, the researchers said that more research is required before giving any recommendation in terms of meal frequency.
The research was published in the journal 'Diabetologia'.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

All Adults should be using skimmed Milk for its benefits over full cream milk. Wonder why they still sell whole milk?

Skim milk contains protein, vitamins and minerals, but not a lot of fat.
Skim milk contains protein, vitamins and minerals, but not a lot of fat.
A healthy diet should include 3 cups of dairy products each day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. However, full-fat dairy products contain saturated fat, a type of fat associated with cardiovascular disease. Skim milk, also called nonfat milk, is a smart dietary choice because it's low in fat. Each 1-cup serving of the milk contains just 0.2 grams of fat, including 0.1 grams of saturated fat -- compared to almost 5 grams of fat in a cup of 2 percent milk.
Cut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating banana, corn…


Skim milk provides a rich source of protein, offering 8.3 grams of protein per cup. Your body needs protein for its amino acids. You use certain amino acids to regulate brain activity, and use combinations of 20 amino acids to synthesize the proteins that make up your cells and tissues. Your specific protein needs depend on your body weight, composition and activity level, but most people need 0.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight, according to Iowa State University. A cup of skim milk provides 14 percent of your daily protein requirements if you weigh 150 pounds, or 10 percent if you weigh 200 pounds. Because of its protein content, skim milk offers a nutritional advantage over some other beverages -- for example, a glass of orange juice contains less than 2 grams of protein per cup.

Calcium and Bone Benefits

Skim milk provides a source of calcium. Several tissues in your body -- including your pancreas, muscles and nerves -- need small amounts of calcium to function. Your bones and teeth also rely on calcium, since calcium makes up a part of the mineralized tissue that keeps your bones strong and hard. Drinking a cup of skim milk increases your calcium by 299 milligrams, providing 30 percent of your daily calcium requirements, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. While most dairy products naturally contain calcium, choosing skim milk over higher-fat dairy products might offer additional benefits for your bones. People who consume more saturated fat tend to have lower bone density, according to the University of Michigan.

Vitamins A and D

Milk naturally contains the fat-soluble vitamins A and D. During the skimming process, removing the fat from skim milk also removes these vitamins. To compensate, milk manufacturers fortify the milk with vitamins A and D. Choosing fortified skim milk allows you to get vitamins A and D without the saturated fat found in higher-fat dairy products. Vitamin D helps to ensure that your body can use calcium properly. It helps you absorb the calcium from milk and also helps your body transport calcium to the tissues that need it to function. Vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin and eyes, and also nourishes your immune system. A cup of fortified skim milk contains 500 international units of vitamin A and 115 IU of vitamin D. This represents 19 percent of your RDA for vitamin D, according to the Linus Pauling Institute, as well as 21 percent of the daily vitamin A requirements for women or 17 percent for men. Different brands of skim milk might contain slightly different levels of vitamins A and D, so always check the nutrition label.

Switching to Skim

If you're accustomed to the fuller flavor of 2 percent milk, switching to skim might take some getting used to. Try blending skim milk with fresh fruits for low-fat smoothies, adding ground flax seeds or nonfat Greek yogurt for added texture. Try a few simple recipe substitutions to introduce skim milk into your cooking. Instead of using cream in creamy pureed soups, try using skim milk and pureed potato to get the richness of cream without the fat. If you miss the thickness of cream in your coffee, try steaming skim milk; the thickened frothy milk feels richer than skim milk straight from the fridge.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

How to take responsibility for your own pleasure in a Relationship. This is mainly for women because most men find their way around this topic

How to Take Responsibility for Your Own Pleasure

A recent survey discovered that less than half of all married women are satisfied with their sex lives. 81% say their sex lives are predictable, and only one in seven had experimented with something new in the past year. But it’s not because they don’t want sex: 58% of the women reported being “in the mood” within the past week.
Guess what, ladies? You can do something about this! I know we have been conditioned to let men take the lead. However, doing something the way you’ve always done it and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. 
Here’s how to take responsibility for your own sexual satisfaction:
1.     Have more oral. I’m not talking about oral sex, I’m talking about talking. Have more conversations about what you like, want and need. Take time when you and your partner are relaxed and tell him that you want to have more sex, or more variety, or whatever it is that you want.
2.     Show ‘n tell. When you’re in bed, show and tell him exactly what you want him to do. Be really clear when he does something you like: say “Oh, I really like when you touch me like that.” Hint: moaning is not a clear signal. They can’t be expected to interpret whether it’s pleasure or not.
3.     Be bold! Try being the one to initiate sex. Most men will absolutely love it; they feel pressured to be the initiators and they’re often confused by your signals. That makes them less likely to approach you because they’re afraid of being rejected.
4.     Do your homework. Go online, ask your girlfriends, or go to an adult novelty store. Find stuff that can help you have better sex, whether it’s a lube, a sex cream (I like the ones with L-Arginine the best), a vibrator, or even an article about how to stimulate your G-spot for better orgasms. 
5.     Practice, practice, practice. Have some solo sex, experimenting with different ways of pleasuring yourself. That will give you more ways to let your partner know what you really like. It will also give you more orgasms, and the more you orgasm, the more you want to orgasm. How fun is that?
6.     Give yourself a warm oil massage. In Indian tradition, this is called abhyanga. You heat up some sesame, sunflower or coconut oil and rub it into your entire body. Working from the feel up is energizing, while working from the head down is quieting. They’re both extremely relaxing.
#6 is intended to help you love your own body more. Women can be so self-critical that when they’re in bed, their man has no hope of pleasing them because they’re already so displeased with themselves.
#7 I believe that every adult human should have a sports, a hobby or a game, whatever you call it but something that makes your heart pound from time to time. Research has shown that people who sing, hardly gets dementia.

Monday, May 12, 2014

How do you avoid headlamp glare at night? Remember, Insurance premium is adjusted irrespective of who is at fault in an accident.

Take the following steps;

Firstly, you can try not looking directly at the beam. Look more towards the darker part of the road. This 'could' make things slightly better. focus on the edge of the road and maintain a safe distance from the footpath or shoulder
Secondly, its insensitive for anyone to drive with their high beam when there is opposite traffic approaching. It is your right to demand for low beam. This is done by flashing your headlight. One flash, followed by continuous untill they get the message to switch to low beam. 
Thirdly, you should counter the problem by doing what they do to you. This is not ethical, but in a world where you are the only one following rules, it does make sense for you to go a bit beyond rules. If you are a frequent highway traveler, get  your lamps upgraded. Having these lamps, once you switch to high beam, the opposite driver will immediately do the opposite, as these lamps are really powerful. They cause enough glare to even make truck drivers dip their beams. But stick to low beam as possible. They are adequate.
Fourth, if you are really serious about the issue, you can invest in front windshield film. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Do you need to take a shower on daily basis?

How Often Do You Really Need to Shower?

How often do you shower?If you don't shower much - but generally keep that information to yourself because of the negative stigma - you're not alone. Following hot on the heels of the no-shampooing hair care revolution, some folks are taking the logical next step: If no or reduced shampooing results in healthier, shinier hair, what about skipping soaping up the body?
Unlike the modified hair-washing schedule, which tends to elicit commentary about shampoos and parabens, conditioners and hair-drying time, skipping showers altogether seems to bring up plenty of other opinions on the subject. Many people who do shower every day think that not doing so is inherently wrong and unhealthy. It's assumed that people who don't shower on the regular are stinky and/or greasy and maybe even visibly dirty - and it certainly can't be good for you.
But considering that it has really only been the last 100 years or so that people have bathed more than once a week (Saturday night baths were the norm for most of American history), daily showering is actually not objectively healthier or better; and in fact, one of the most common reasons that people cut down on showering is actually for skin-health reasons, not laziness. As far as being actually physically dirty, most of us who don't work outside or aren't otherwise involved in daily work where we might get covered in dust, dirt or grease probably don't get any real dirt on anything other than our faces and hands most weeks. 
What's behind the links between health and less showering? People with skin issues have long noted that forgoing daily showers can help with eczema, and plenty of others think that it is actually healthier overall, for similar reasons that not washing one's hair can make for shinier, less-frizzy hair. The natural body oils that lubricate and protect the skin get washed away by warm (and especially hot) showers paired with soaps that strip the skin. Without those oils, the skin is more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses, and can also look and feel dry and uncomfortable. Because the body wants to keep the skin in healthy, protected shape, frequent washing can even encourage the body to overproduce oil, leading to a viscious cycle of cleansing and oil production. Many people have found that when they stop washing hair and skin as often, after an adjustment period, the body naturally decreases the amount of oil it produces and less washing is needed.
Of course, how often you shower depends on your level of activity, how healthy you are (if you work out often and eat healthfully, you naturally produce less body odor) and what you do for a living. And, I would add to that list: It depends on the season too.
Confession: I only shower three times a week, and I wash my hair on one of those occasions - but that's just because it's winter. In the summer, I shower every day, but most of those are just rinses in lukewarm water, sans soap so I don't dry out my skin. The drier, colder air of winter saps my skin of moisture, and since I use only natural products, keep active, and don't eat much processed food (and it's cold), I have almost no body odor. You can also shower briefly, as I do, and lather up only the areas that need it on a daily basis (we all know what those are), protecting most of your good skin oils from being washed off, while still enjoying a couple minutes of shower time. You can also wash with oils, which is a popular and growing treatment for dry skin. I do this too and have noticed that since I started washing with organic coconut oil (yes, oils will clean, check out the site dedicated to oil cleansing for an explanation), I feel refreshed, moisturized and smelling great - I add a couple drops of sweet orange or rosemary oil as I love scent.
But there's one area of the body you should never skip washing multiple times a day: your hands. As John Oxford, professor of Virology at Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry told the Daily Mail, "As long as people wash their hands often enough and pay attention to the area of the body below the belt, showering or bathing every other day would do no harm. Even twice a week would not be a problem if people used a bidet daily as most infectious bugs hang around our lower halves."

Friday, May 2, 2014

Is there an alternative to Liposuction? Yes there are fat freezing machines of all sizes and shapes. Cryolipolysis may have become the next big thing. Slim freeze belt is on Ebay now


Lose an average of 20% of fat cells in the treated area! Sculpt your body by freezing your fat cells! 

The newest technology to climate localised fat,  using extreme low temperatures to FREEZE, destroy and dissolve fat cells. Just select the part of your body that you want to change forever! Remove bulges, love handles, belly fat, man-boobs, back fat, muffin tops ect 


This new patented technology recently discovered by renowned doctors and scientists is called Cold Lipolysis. It's the latest method of using extreme low temperatures, that have been proven to freeze, destroy and dissolve fat cells on the treated area, in just one application. This method is FDA approved and it's proven not to damage the skin or neighbouring tissues. When fat cells are frozen at these extreme cold temperatures, they crystallise, die and do not regenerate. They are eliminated by your body through a process called Apoptosis (a natural cell death) with results within 4 to 8 weeks after treatment. 

What is the science behind freezing your fat with SlimFreezer? 

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive fat removal procedure. It is the cooling of subcutaneous fat cells, which induces lipolysis, which is the breaking down of the fat cells, without damaging any of the surrounding tissues or the skin. Following the procedure, the fat breaks down over a period two to four months, resulting in fat loss that appears entirely natural. Crylipolysis works on the basis that fat cells are more vulnerable to energy extraction, in the case cooling, than the surrounding tissues. That means that cryolipolysis will break down the fat cells, but not the surrounding tissues. 
Once cooled, the fat cells then undergo apoptosis, which is controlled cell death. When apoptosis happens, the fat cell wall breaks down causing lipids (fats) from the cells to be released. 

The science behind cryolipolysis was first published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine in 2008, where Dieter Manstein MD, PhD and R. Rox Anderson and their team demonstrated that under controlled conditions, subcutaneous fat cells (fat cells situated between the skin and muscles layers) are more vulnerable to the effects of cold than other surrounding tissues, and that prolonged cooling of these fat cells can cause those cells to reduce in number, without damaging any of the surrounding tissues; a process referred to as 'selective cryolysis'. 

Cryolipolysis is not a permanent solution to fat loss whilst it reduces fat cells that already present, it cannot prevent remaining fat cells from increasing in size so individuals will have to maintain their fat loss either through a combination of diet and exercise or further Slim Freezer cryolipolysis treatments every 30 days. 

SlimFeezer Package includes: 

-SlimFreezer with adjustable belt 
-SlimFreezer sheets 5x in pack 
-Fat Measuring Caliper 
-Instructional Booklet
-1 Year's warranty The SlimFreezer As Seen on TV!

This system has been used in demonstrations at a trade show, but is in fantastic condition! Retails at £149.97 so this is your chance to get your own SlimFreezer system for only £99! 


With a marker select the area you want to treat (any use anywhere!) Apply the glycerin membrane on the same area Place the SlimFreezer on top of the glycerin membrane to start the treatment. To tone use SlimFreezer for 15 to 30 minutes. To eliminate fat cells use from 45 minutes to 1 hour. After using the SlimFreezer, massage the treated area in circular motions for at least 1 minute. 

Results will be seen within 4 to 8 weeks!       

Integra Salud Clinic Study Study Date: October 15, 2012 to December 15 2012
Testimonials who have lost over 20% of their fat cells in the treated area...  A study measuring the effects from the use of SlimFreezer used to destroy fat cells through the application of low temperatures to tissue via thermal conduction, over a 6-week period. 

Results  (refer to photo)
As detailed in the table below, the waist circumference, weight and subcutaneous fat percentage in area of treatment application decreased significantly in all of the participants. Further improvements over the course of a few months and additional periodic treatments with SlimFreezer should produce optimal.